Occasionally you hit an issue with a unifi camera and it won’t connect or remove from the controller. The easiest / only way to fix this is to manually remove it from the database.
SSH into the NVR and find all the cameras:
mongo localhost:7441/avdb.camera.find()
db.camera.find({}, {_id: 0, name: 1, uuid: 2})
Look for the camera in question, we will want the UUID
"Driveway", "uuid" : "1fbfb420-a091-3c8f-b184-e43ec862b14a"
Then remove it, exit the tool, and restart UFV
db.camera.remove({uuid:"1fbfb420-a091-3c8f-b184-e43ec862b14a"}) exit service unifi-video stop; service unifi-video start