When you are wanting to use the HTTP request within Flic it doesn’t work using the standard user:pass@host. So you have to do a little more work…
Add your URL which for me was http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/relay/0?turn=toggle to turn a light on or off in the garage.
stick with GET http method (or which ever suites)
under the HTTP headers, set up basic authentication i.e. type “Authorization” in the Key field of the app
encode your “user:password” string using base64 (I used base64encode.org for online base64 encoding)
Prefix the encoded string with “Basic ” including a trailing space
“Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4NCg==” is encoded “admin:admin” as an example. Key or paste all of this into the Value field in the FLIC app
Press the save button.
Press DONE to ensure all saved away