Stop Service / Daemon
This command stops Nagios Core.
===== Ubuntu 14.x =====
sudo service nagios stop
===== Ubuntu 15.x / 16.x / 17.x / 18.x =====
sudo systemctl stop nagios.service
Downloading the Source
cd /tmp
sudo rm -rf nagioscore*
wget -O nagioscore.tar.gz https://github.com/NagiosEnterprises/nagioscore/archive/nagios-4.4.1.tar.gz
tar xzf nagioscore.tar.gz
cd /tmp/nagioscore-nagios-4.4.1/
sudo ./configure --with-httpd-conf=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled
sudo make all
Install Binaries
This step installs the binary files, CGIs, and HTML files.
sudo make install
Install Service / Daemon
This installs the service or daemon files. While these will already exist they do get updated occasionally and hence need replacing.
sudo make install-daemoninit
Update nagios.cfg
If you are upgrading from Nagios Core 4.3.2 and earlier you will need to update the nagios.cfg file to point to /var/run/nagios.lock using the following command:
sudo sh -c "sed -i 's/^lock_file=.*/lock_file=\/var\/run\/nagios.lock/g' /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg"
More information about this is detailed in the following KB article:
Nagios Core – nagios.lock Changes In 4.3.3 Onwards
Start Service / Daemon
This command starts Nagios Core.
===== Ubuntu 14.x =====
sudo service nagios start
===== Ubuntu 15.x / 16.x / 17.x / 18.x =====
sudo systemctl start nagios.service
Confirm Nagios Is Running
You can confirm that the nagios service is now running with the following command:
===== Ubuntu 14.x =====
sudo service nagios status
===== Ubuntu 15.x / 16.x / 17.x / 18.x =====
sudo systemctl status nagios.service
Confirm Nagios Version
You can confirm the nagios version being used with the following command:
sudo /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -V
This will output something like:
Nagios Core 4.4.1