IT, Digital & Culture
Network (powershell script)
Create an External Switch from the command line
This is the hard part that really had me banging my head of the wall. If you create an external switch you lose connectivity.
You need to determine the Adapter name to use. Do to this from a Power Shell prompt run:
This will list the name of your adapters. Figure out which one you want to use for your switch.
In my case it was Ethernet 2.
Save the Power Shell Script below to a ps1 file (say c:\MakeSwitch.ps1). You can run:
Notepad c:\makeswitch.ps1
To do this. Update it with the correct name determined above.
Make Switch for So You Start Dedicated Server
execute the command Get-NetAdapter
This lists the ethernet adatpers.
Replace “ethernet 2” below with the name of your connected physical adapter
Adapted from:
Import-Module Hyper-V
$ethernet = Get-NetAdapter -Name “ethernet 2”
New-VMSwitch -Name externalSwitch -NetAdapterName $ethernet.Name -AllowManagementOS $true -Notes ‘Parent OS, VMs, LAN’
New-VMSwitch -Name privateSwitch -SwitchType Private -Notes ‘Internal VMs only’
New-VMSwitch -Name internalSwitch -SwitchType Internal -Notes ‘Parent OS, and internal VMs’
This actually creates three switches, one of each type. (external, internal and private).